Friday 18 September 2020

DFI 9 Revision


Ubiquitous Learning

Learner at the Centre of all that we do.
Ability to learn online without  teacher.

Classroom programme carries on without us because of Digital Fluency eg on Fridays.

Benefits shown over Summer Holidays with no slippage of Reading and Writing.

Rewindable Learning.

During Lockdown -

I was proud of getting out of my very private comfort zone and putting myself out there on our Class Blog, Google Meets with my class and videoing myself for our Class Site. I learnt how to do so many techie things on the run as I needed them to support my class with their Distance Learning. 

I regret being available to my students and parents 24/7 - I was being contacted from 6am to 10pm the boundaries of a school day certainly grew! If there is a next time I will use the technology to allow my students to learn anytime, anywhere, any place without me having to be physically available during all those times.

The thing I'm taking forward is continuing to use my Class Site on a daily basis - to frontload my students, to inform my parents and to stay connected with them, to provide rewindable learning for my students, and as a place to share our learning journey. I have found since using our site I am better organised and planned with easy links to other facets of Google and have certainly reduced the need for copious amounts of paper.

The DFI experience has certainly made me a more Digitally Fluent teacher, professional and individual. It has given me the confidence to try new things, to experiment with new ways of doing things and to communicate and share with others that I need to.

Friday 11 September 2020

DFI 8 Computational Thinking

 Computational Thinking

During our WWW this morning there was a great explanation of how the principles of Manaiakalani sit under the framework of UDL. Great to be able to have these Professional discusssions with a group of colleagues to clarify our thinking and to help each other out - made me realise the power of togetherness even though we only see each other remotely.

Empowered - Dorothy

Especially evident during Lockdown.

Nigel Latta - Technology and the link to empowerment.

Computational Thinking - Kerry

The new Digital Technologies Curriculum

Digital Fluency vs Digital Technologies

Digitally Fluent - Confident in online environment, enabling students to make the most of their time online, find resources and share learning online, comfortable delivering in 1-1 learning environment. Synthesis, validate information online. 

Digital Technologies - 2 Aspects

Computational thinking.

Design and develop Digital Outcomes.

Computational Thinking                                                   Design and develop Digital Outcomes.

Interesting to understand that the activities for these areas of the curriculum do not all have to be via devices but also using 'unplugged' activities. And in fact many of the activities we already do during our programme come under this umbrella - we just hadn't considered them in this way! It certainly isn't as scarey as first thought.

The difference between Computational Thinking and Design and Developing Digital Outcomes and examples of activities for each one.

Future of Technology - Maria

Ethic and Moral Questions - I had a go at the Moral Machine - definitely very thought provoking and Maria raised some very important questions about the programming of driverless vehicles and decisions made when they counter certain dilemnas.


I am familiar with Scratch Junior after having been introduced to it by my Facilitator and have used this with my class on their Ipads. They are very quick to pick it up and run with it! Although not always attentive to the directions of the task we give them! It would be great to introduce something new - maybe Light Bot? Great to actually view Minecraft. I have heard so much about it and seen my own children use it at home but haven't actually had a go myself. Can definitely see the potential for using it in their learning it is so appealing and engaging but also addictive!

Sat in on Rachel's session of Scratch with Venessa. Great to see the progression from Scratch Junior. 

Set up an account for Scratch and had a go but definitely a lot more difficult than Scratch Junior!
I can see why Scratch Junior was created and the most appropriate App for my Year 2s. Will continue using this with my class and upskilling myself there before attempting Scratch again!

I have managed to enrol for the exam! (An exam in itself!!) Time to reflect on what I know and find useful in my Junior class, my Professional life and in my personal life!

Friday 4 September 2020

DFI 7 Devices


Being Cybersmart - Fiona Grant

Digital Citizenship - Empowering people, Keeping our students secure AND smart.

Modelling the positive - more about the 'cans' than the 'can'ts'. Make the positive the Norm.

Students being able to identify what's right and what's acceptable.

Remembering to set up the class culture for this at the beginning of each new year.

Hapara Teacher Dashboard - Lenva/Dorothy

- Visibility of what the students are doing / about the learning not the technology.

Chrome Books - Dorothy

1:1 Devices Equity in learning.

Control / shows you all the shortcuts!!

IPads - Nicola

Stylus a must.

Shared folder in the Drive to share projects for stidents on IPads.

Having a go on the Ipad was great and I was able to help my colleagues some - but definitely missed not having the children from my class there to help me with the next steps when needed!!

A link to my IPad Explain Everything Cybersmart Lesson

Great idea to make projects on the IPad for learning - but still very difficult to do new learning on the IPad and remembering the content to be added!!

Bloglist Sidebar Gadgets - Kelsey ***Rewind the learning on this***

Time, time, time, is needed to be an expert on a new device!

Great to learn alongside the class from the beginning of the year - hard to flick between the 3 devices for short periods of time without a real purpose.

Friday 28 August 2020

DFI 6 Enabling Access

 Google Sites - Enabling Access

Connected - Dorothy Burt

Importance of connecting and checking Well Being for Effective Teaching and Accelerated Learning.

 AKO - Learn Create Share (We know how to do this).

Blog Posts


Toolkits Online - I enjoyed and found the one I did with Latham last night about Writing and Avatars very practical and definitely will have a go at it next week once I'm back in my class!

Leading Learning using Google Sites - Why?? - Maria

Visible Learning - Accelerating the learning - Role of the teacher - Rewindable Learning
Acceleration -

Everything needs to be on the site.
Visual Appeal. 

Evaluate Sites based on Visual Appeal (Shop Window) and Site Functionality (Easy to find stuff).
It was great to be able to view a number of Junior School sites and the different ways teachers organise them. I have been able to take lots away from them and to think about how I want and don't want our site to look like. One thing I have become aware of is that since our Lockdown days our site has become a little impersonal so my goals for today were to input more of Room 4 into it! I started with a photo and blurb about myself and have been adding visuals and commentary about and for the students.
Some great advice from my group about setting up the site that I will take on board also - use of audio on the site to complement the written messages, Dropdowns of the weeks to fall from recent to oldest (rather than oldest to recent as I currently have it!).

A great day of reflecting and learning and seeing things through fresh eyes!

Blog Spam
***Rewind the information on this ***

Friday 21 August 2020

DFI 5 Collaborate - Sites

 Collaborate - Sites

Connecting with Manaiakalani (Dorothy Burt) - Making teaching and learning visible for teachers, colleagues, learners and whanau.

Fail and Success - due to knowing what teacher wants? Can read their mind? Cultural Capital

Visibility facing the learner AND the teacher facing visibility - Google Class Sites - everything available to everyone. 

Blogs - students, teachers, principals make learning visible through this format.

Hapara - Parent Portal

Multi Modal Sites (Kerry)

Class site delivering communication from one person to another in many forms so that there is a form that suits everyone. Different people prefer different modes. Inclusive for everyone - differentiated so students can work at their own pace at different times.

Engagement - Personalising - Acceleration of student outcomes - Empowerment and confidence.

Class Site - Home Page needs to be WOW!! Multi textural design - rich resources. Behavioural and cognitive engagement. Choice and Collaboration are important.

T shaped learning. Wide and Deep literacy. Eyes on text. 

Hapara Hot Tips - Dorothy

Sharing Tab - Filing work in correct folders or no work? Children don't make their own folders - Admin for our Hapara has to do this.

Multimodal Learning Sites

I have a current Class Site and I love using it within the classroom. It has been continually evolving throughout the year as I have learnt how to do new things and how I want to organise information.

Vicki - Folder with all our content for our site with right settings. 2020 Folder.

***Buttons*** have a go at making some.

 Use Google Drawing to make exciting buttons/themes.

***I had a go at making a Button for my current site but was unable to add a link  - will experiment some more with this, as this would be a great addition to what I already have. ***

Multi Text Data Base - Dorothy

T Shaped Literacy. Woolf fisher Research Centre.

Context - then identify the main text for children to read (Deep) then go wide to supply a range of texts for engagement - need a variety of texts. Complimentary Text, Main Text, Supporting/Scaffolding Texts, then finding a text that is harder and is going to cognitively stretch and challenge the students. When do students choose the text?

Collaboration of a Database.

Nicola and Super Heroes

Jamboard - A white board for brainstorming.

The Super Hero Site I have started to create -

Today was an awesome session!! Creating was fun and I can see how I will continue to use Google Sites as my classroom Web Page. Learning a few more tips and tricks was great and I will definitely do a Super Hero Unit with my class! Yay!!

Monday 17 August 2020

What the Duck?

 The Flying Duck

A Slide Show with Audio ...

Friday 14 August 2020

DFI 4 Dealing with Data


In our Bubble Group we talked about - "Record to Slides" (Extension) App - Voice Recorder to put audio onto slides I will have another look at this as an alternative to what we did last week as Google slides and audio is definitely something very useful in the classroom.

Hapara Hot Tips - Remember to go to 'More" to check out Blog Posts. 'Comments' section - Model positive, thoughtful comments especially those with few or no comments. SPAM - definitely don't click on it!! ***Remember to talk to Cheryl about Hapara and get it pinned.***

Connecting with Manaiakalani - Share Blogger as a Medium to Share. Sharing to Learn.

Google Forms - Vicki - Title, Put into 2020 file, Duplicate Qn. Go to settings to change who, what, where. This is something I'll use so will go back and revisit - didn't get my Fairy Tales Google Form completed today, unfortunately.

Google Maps and My Maps - Maria - I'm not sure how and where I would use this at this stage. Will look some more into it and see how it could fit in with me at school, professionally and my personal life.

I had a go at making my own Road Trip including photos of the destinations (unfortunately the photos haven't shown up in the screenshot!) - I can see how I would use this basic function of My Maps personally and with my class.

Google Sheets - Vicki - Spreadsheet on Google Drive - Hand used for grabbing rows or columns. Resize rows. It can do the maths for you (Functions tool). Filtering - sort by gender etc. Explore tool on sheets - can ask qn about data or make charts. Conditional Formatting - set parameters and change the way it looks, can create rules.

I have used Google Spreadsheets to input data in the past - but have never created my own. I have definitely learnt more about many of the functions they can do - Wow!! 

I had a go at finding the averages on the data we were given - I was able to find an individual's average and then use that to find the group average, I could rank them lowest to highest and highest to lowest!!! But my Explore tool would not pop up the graphs for me to use. *** See Cheryl*** An awesome tool to organise data that after practise to become faster will be  great tool for our Data Analysis.

Room 4's Blog Posts for 2020 (so far) I was able to average the number of blogs so far for 2020 and then use the Explore function to get charts that I could put on my Sheet. The average number of blogs was 4.4 a month. I was then able to insert my charts to Google Drawing. By having it in Google Drawing if there are any changes made - these will be recorded also.

Great to see how all the facets of Google can be linked and used together!!!

Blog Comments

Insert hyperlinks to link back to learning or other people's blog posts. 

I have uaed hyperlinks before in my blogs when I was unable to get an image on my page. Great idea to use regularly!!

Installing in the students to make blog comments that are Positive, Thoughtful and Helpful is very important - also helps them to be less boring and robotic.

I am now finding (and using everwhere!) the benefit of using the Screenshot function on my laptop!      I find Visual Images great to help me remember and access information learnt!! A great tool for rewinding the learning!

Friday 7 August 2020

DFI 3 Media again...

Our learning today was about Media...

Hapara Hot Tips - Teacher Dashboard

- On Landing Page see the Groups button (top right) Items button to see one or many items of child's work. Sort button to organise Priority Learners.

Explore Home Pane.

I am not yet using this in my classroom, but have seen how my Manaikalani facilitator has set it up for my class. I can see how this is a very valuable tool to have in a classroom setting.

Deb talked about making sure we use the tool to take names off the screen when in a Google Meet when taking screen shots - especially of the children.

* The Manaiakalani Pedagogy: Learn Create Share

Dorothy talked about Create being all about "The Hook" and engaging our students.

Creativity helps students be good problem solvers, communicators and collaborators.
Importance of continuing with creativity from Kindy - Tertiary and making learning more interesting/exciting by creating.
Manaiakalani Pedagogy sits perfectly with Play Based Learning Philosophy. Will definitely ponder the amount of 'Create' time my children have during the day across the curriculum areas!

* Vicki talked about Youtube Channels and Playlists.
Students must be 13 years or older.
Videos set as Unlisted and turn Comments off.
Setting up - Go to New Account for a Youtube Channel, create a channel, choose account type, change settings - click onto youtube studio, gear cog on left hand side go to channel space and advanced sttings, content for kids, upload defaults, select inlisted on visibility, advanced settings disables comments and save this. Click onto acc in top left hand corner.
Channel status and features to verify account. Share through Google Drive.

Playlists of videos can be shared and embedded to collate wanted videos.
See rewindable links on page to review this.
My Youtube Channel and Playlists - I have set this up but don't think I will use it at this stage.

* Media with Dorothy 
SISOMO - sight, sound and motion - entertained and informed created by Sacchi and Sacchi
To capture people this is what's neeeded.
Examples -
DIY filmmaking                    Film Festival                School TV            Live Streaming
- get Tripod                                                                                              - use a drone
- phone landscape when filming                                                               - Google Meet
- WEvideo (See Cheryl)                                                                           - eg Sports events

Chroma Key - Green screen (paint and carpet availabe to take the green out)
Pod Casting - See tips slide
IPads recording use 'Garage Band'
Screen Castify
Not an area I have been involved in up to now. But am now very conscious of the SISOMO idea and engagement in children's learning so will look into this...

* Google Draw (Venessa) named 'Google Drawings'
Set page size in File
Set background colour with right click
Use guides to help you space out your picture
Add Image - get png image so no background
Format options to change if needed
Crop using drop down feature to change shape
To share - download as a png can now share anywhere
               - embed by publish to the web put into html make sure have put it into 2020 folder so sharing                   sorted

I joined Kelsey's group to use Google Drawing and was frustrated with the lines everywhere when using the Curve line and poyline. Great that other people had the same problems and asked about it!! Great tools - but I will need lots of practise at this to be efficient and for me to use often!
However, I have managed to change my previous Profile on my Blog to today's more professional one! Thankful for the template and step by step directions to make this happen!
 (I will need to learn how to resize images from my laptop!!)

* Google Slides - Maria
Movement, Sight, Sound make them more engaging.
Keeping them consistent - fonts, colours, theme etc so viewers aren't distracted.
A very useful Google feature that I use lots for planning and organisation within my classroom. 
I also find it easy to insert Slides of examples of work into my classroom blog, this means if I want to add more work I can do so even after it's in the blog. I also used Google Slides lots during Lockdown to record work to upload onto my Classroom Sites Web page. Will continue to use these regularly!!

* Planning with Slides - Kelsey
We learnt to put audio on a slide. Definitely something I'll use to add to my repertoire of Slide features when using these!!

Blogger Settings
***Go back and check this out***

Friday 31 July 2020

DFI 2 again... Workflow

Hapara Hot Tips (Dorothy Burt) 
 My Classes and All Classes Tabs - check for this and will definitely use Hapara in the classroom.

 Failed camera - I was able to problem solve this, feeling more confident to fix small  techie problems independently without having to get someone to do it for me!

 Enjoyed chatting with my tutorial group this week to hear what they'd done during the week and different ways of how to use Learn, Create, Share throughout the school day. (Deb) ideas to take away!

 The Manaiakalani Programme (Dorothy Burt) 
- Effective Teaching - Accelerated Learning AKO (Learn) 
 - Language of Manakalani deliberately kept simpleallows for individual differences between/within schools and localised curriculums. 
 - DFI goals revisited
 - Importance of Digital infrastructure and tools AND pedagogy for teaching and learning for new learning in the digital age running paralell together. 
 - Embrace, endorse Effective Practise - RATE - Recognise, Amplify, Turbocharge, Effective Practise. - NZ Curriculum 
- 7 Teacher actions promoting student learning. 
 - High Leverage Practises things that are worth investing in. (Wolf Fisher) Things tht are going to make the biggest difference. (Authentic texts, Discussion, Learning by thinking critically and local school philsophies/programmes, Collaboration) What does LEARN look like for Makauri School???
 - Technology allows us to do things we couldn't do before - Amplify teaching. Sites where we can go and get stuff! (See sites where other teachers share!!)

 Managing Workflow - MEET (Maria) 
 3 ways to Create a Meet - Within Email, Calendar Invitation, Through Google Meet in Waffle. 
 Meet Etiquette - on mute, background, headphones, chat feature.
 Presenting your screen - entire screen or window or chrome tab. 
 Meeting creator can record the meeting.
 Extensions to Google Meet - NOD 
 I shared and it worked!!! Both my picture and my music!!! Yay!!! This is something I had done during Lockdown but had been talked through every step by my facilitator. Will definitely use this again in a Google Meet Professionally or personally.

 Google Keep (Dorothy Burt) A place to jot down and keep notes and ideas and things to remember. Put URLs in there.
 ... Use labels to help keep track of Keeps. 
 Can copy over to Google Docs. 
 A way to plan collaboratively around a unit for Hub team.
 Draw inside it. 
Use Keep for your signature. 
 Save time when watching a screen presentation and hold up phone and use Keep. 
 Settings can be changed and can add new items at top or bottom; can set reminders. 
 Use Keep to take a photo of txt to get editable txt and put into a document. ... take a recording to have a Voice memo.
 Keep notes show up on right hand side of screen under Keep icon. 
Keep notes work well as shared shopping list - checklist - record location. 

 Managing Workflow - GMail (Kelsey) 
 Change the view - Quick setting.
 Inbox can be reorganised. 
 Themes can be changed. 
 Use of labels can filter folders. 
 Stars can organise important emails you want to go back to. 
Attaching files/images/links etc to email. 
 Schedule emails to be delayed even though you have sent it at the time. 
 Google translate - Te Reo Maori Advanced settings
 Undo email so if you change your mind about sending something you can stop it from being sent. Change to unread so email pops up to the top again. 
 Smart compose??? ***Go back and rewind the notes*** 
 Dynamic Email??? **Go back and rewind the notes*** 
Signature - change mine for my Professional email. 

Google Calendar (Vicki)
 Settings - Display density/colour Toolbar on the right of screen 
Syncs with your phone 

 Tabs (Nicola) 
One Tab ***Go back and rewind the notes*** 
 Toby ***Go back and rewind the notes*** 
Cluster of Tabs 
 Duplicating Tabs 
Right click to organise Tabs 
 I was able to set up a Meet and record my discussion about a Making Oreo Cheesecake Blog. I did not find this easy and definitely needed Deb the tutor to talk me through it!! I can see how this would be a very useful skill to have but I am going to need a lot more practise to feel cobfident to use with success in a classroom or Professional situation.

Friday 24 July 2020

DFI Day 1 again - A great opportunity for Revisiting and Relearning...



Manaiakalani - Learn Create Share
Why Manaiakalani? Dorothy Burt
A great revisit of the story and evidence to share with sceptics of the benefits of the Manaiakalani Programme.
Venessa - Google Chrome
                Able to use multiple devices
                Omnibox Bookmarks 
An opportunity to remind myself of the benefits of using Google and the faculties it has.

Google Groups (Dorothy) - G Mail use through here
                                             Easier to use than Contacts - transferable

Google Drive - Vicki - Organising 
                                      Shared Documents/Files - use a shortcut (shift z) to shift the file
                                      Disable printing/copy/download/change content options
                                      Search Engine is very useful and can be specific
                                      Word Document can be converted to Google Docs here
Using Google Drive is something I use everyday as a Professional and with my class and something I have recently started using in my personal life to organise Household information.
Google Docs - Dorothy
                         Teaching Students - 2020 Folder with correct settings each student use their intials on                             every document.
                         Control Shift v - to paste without formatting.
                         Different functions of Google to make it easy for students to read documents online.
                         Voice activated text.
                         'Explore' Tool - Little star on bottom right hand page of Doc. Pictures etc free to use                                 and References it.
This was great revision of how to set my class up and how to organise my my documents to help time management for me in my personal life.


Create using a Google Doc with  - Earthquake Drill Visual - I will definitely use this easy way of creating visuals in my classroom AND will attempt to teach my Year 2s this!

My DFI bubble with our Bubble Leader - Deb
A great opportunity to learn within a small group and ask questions to improve our confidence as a learner and teacher. 

Blogging - Nicola
I am still having difficulty putting pictures onto my Blog!!!!!
Something to take away and practise - I have tried publishing to the web and using compose and HTML and screenshot, but alas something is going wrong.....
So no shot of my Google Doc Visual Create!

Thanks Maria for the suggestion to add a link!
Thanks Cheryl for your help to resize and then include the Doc!

<iframe width=600 height=600

Thursday 19 March 2020

DFI 3- Media


Today the Pedagogy discussion was about Create. We google chatted with Anne Sinclair and heard about the value of an Integrated Curriculum with a Play component. Student Voice on what doing is an important factor and shows real possiblities for Online learning. My focus back in the classroom will be to ensure their is plenty of CREATE time!

With Kent Somerville Pt England School (Deep Dive) we looked at Live Stream - taking kids' sharing to the next level - if it's worth learning it's worth sharing - life stream it. This is something I'll need to revisit, but can see the benefit both personally and professionally. 

However the use of a Youtube Channel/Playlist will be something I will continue with and can see myself using on a daily basis - both in the classroom and professionally AND personally. An efficient way to store, organise and access clips that I'm interested in. I have started a Playlist for Maths and Just Dance clips.- Awesome Awesome Awesome 

Youtube Drawing with Amy Williams was also awesome, awesome, awesome! We completed an About Me Google Drawing for our Blog Page. 

Maria introduced us to Google Slides and the multitude of issues. Maria discussed the value of Clean slides, using own images, SISOMO - Sight Sound Motion to make connections - less is more eg images, consistent format, enable access to learning (very relevant as we head into the unknown) eg Reading groups planning and activities - visuals from book/texts - engage learners in independent activities with animaton - multiple applications for other areas of curriculum eg science
Context to use - Planning, Explaining concepts for maths etc. I can see the benefits of Google slides and have already used them in a limited way and have used Powerpoint in the past. But it was great to see all the other functions they can be used with Slides.

I used Google Drawing also, to Create a picture with links suitable for Home Learning. I can see that if it comes to it and we have to distance teach this will be a valuable way to initiate thinking, deliver factual content and hook students into learning in a digital way.

Create - I used Google slides to create a Visual Pepeha that I willcontinue with and add audio to at a later date. It was great to have models to view, but also link the digital learning to other learning that I have been wanting to complete.

Today has been the most fun day yet! I am getting more and more confident to have a go, and surprise myself with some of the lingo I hear myself using. The practical implications of today's learning is very exciting!

Thursday 12 March 2020

DFI - Workflow

Hangouts/Google Meet
Today I learnt to chat and view through Hangouts. We tried to use Hangouts to record ourselves discussing some Manaiakalani Summer learning. I have set up a Hangout with a colleague for next week.
Lenva Shearing discussed some Manaiakalani Pedagogy  Again the inclusiveness of Learn, Create, Share was emphasised
as was that this is a Learning Journey for us as teachers as well as for our students. The level of engagement with the use of Digital Fluency and Digital Devices is accelerating our students' learning. RATE - Recognize, Amplify, Turbocharge and Effective Practise are key elements. 
Using Google Hangouts could become a great way of me keeping in touch with my adult children who are overseas or my granddaughter who lives locally that helps me out with techie things.

Google Keep
This is how to file and store Google information. It is a quick way to access information that may be archived or just in my drive. By using a Title, Tabs and Labels it is easily accessible. I will Rewind the Learning with this in order to attempt to file and store both professional and personal information in a way that is easily accessible.

Managing our Email
By adding Tabs to the top of my Gmail page I am now organising my mail into categories and can readily see if there is any unopened mail. I had been missing some G mails because some mail had been going to Forums which was not visible from my G mail page when initially opened, so was not aware of these G mails.

Organising our Tabs
I can see this will be a beneficial tool to manage all the open tabs I have. This is something I will need to Rewind the Learning to remind myself what to do. 

Google Calendar
I have had one of these all year but have not been accessing it because there was nothing on it!
After ticking my name I have now discovered I have a current up to date calendar that I can use on a daily basis to stay informed of my school events! I have also included the School Calendar and the Release Calendar so am able to follow current school events. I have already accessed this calendar to plan and invite colleagues to events in the next week. I can see it will become a valuable tool in not only keeping up to date and informed, but also an easy way to communicate information with other colleagues.

Thursday 5 March 2020

DFI Poster

Digital Fluency Intensive - Core Business
A great day spent getting to know new people and learning new skills.
Today I made an Autumn Planning Poster for my class using the skills I have learnt when using Google Docs. The poster was made by setting up a page, sizing it, and colouring the background before adding a table, locating images and adding text. Lastly I was able to remove the black cell lines by colouring them in.
I learnt about the function of Explore to add images and information.
<iframe src=""></iframe>

Earlier in the day I learnt how to set up a google doc to include paragraphs with titles and a contents page. We also learnt how to format text we were copying. It was great to work cooperatively and collaboratively with Rachel to keep up with the information we were learning and to practise the skills we were learning.
I can see myself using the google poster using a table to create lots of pages in my classroom including poems, newsletters and children's published writing.
We learnt about google groups - I probably won't use them at this stage, but can see how useful they may be in the future for communicating with staff groups, parents or other groups.
Voice recording is something I have heard about before but not something I have used. I can see this could be very useful for reluctant writers, or for when publishing a lot of childrens' writing.