Friday 18 September 2020

DFI 9 Revision


Ubiquitous Learning

Learner at the Centre of all that we do.
Ability to learn online without  teacher.

Classroom programme carries on without us because of Digital Fluency eg on Fridays.

Benefits shown over Summer Holidays with no slippage of Reading and Writing.

Rewindable Learning.

During Lockdown -

I was proud of getting out of my very private comfort zone and putting myself out there on our Class Blog, Google Meets with my class and videoing myself for our Class Site. I learnt how to do so many techie things on the run as I needed them to support my class with their Distance Learning. 

I regret being available to my students and parents 24/7 - I was being contacted from 6am to 10pm the boundaries of a school day certainly grew! If there is a next time I will use the technology to allow my students to learn anytime, anywhere, any place without me having to be physically available during all those times.

The thing I'm taking forward is continuing to use my Class Site on a daily basis - to frontload my students, to inform my parents and to stay connected with them, to provide rewindable learning for my students, and as a place to share our learning journey. I have found since using our site I am better organised and planned with easy links to other facets of Google and have certainly reduced the need for copious amounts of paper.

The DFI experience has certainly made me a more Digitally Fluent teacher, professional and individual. It has given me the confidence to try new things, to experiment with new ways of doing things and to communicate and share with others that I need to.

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