Monday 29 October 2018

Today's thinking

Visual Teaching & Learning
Drawing 4
Anne and Anna-Maree

Monday 7 May 2018

Crazy 8 Activity

Crazy 8 photo about Plastic Bags

Moonshot - Take a Wheelbarrow 😀
Sure Bet - Use Cardboard Boxes from the Store 👍

Friday 6 April 2018

Teaching as Inquiry at Makauri School

What is the focus area?
Draft your Inquiry Question.
Link this to the Charter Strategic Goals.
Link to the Education Council's Standards for the Teaching Profession and your role in the school.

What do teachers and/or students know about and can do already in this focus area?
What are my beliefs and assumptions in relation to this focus area and my question?
What is the evidence to support these beliefs and assumptions? Assessment Data, Observations, Conversations.
What sources of information can add to this evidence? Research, Literature, etc.

Do I need to review my inquiry question?
What learning experiences can I design and implement to address my inquiry question?
What changes do I need to make to my practice? Tasks, Experiences, Teaching Actions?

You may go through several cycles of Plan, Act or Teach, and Review.

How has my practice changed as a result of my inquiry? What have I learnt that challenged my beliefs and assumptions? Challenges? Successes?
What is the impact of my changed practice for other teachers and school leaders?
How can I share outcomes with colleagues? (Staff Professional Learning and Development Session)

Throughout the year, I will be labelling my blog posts to reflect our Makauri 
Look! Think! Act! Share! model
and to the Education Council's Standards for the Teaching Profession

Te Tiriti o Waitangi partnership
Professional Learning
Professional Relationships
Learning-focused culture
Design for learning
Look! Get it
Think! Sort it
Act! Use it
Share! Celebrate it